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Rosana Taschetto Vey
Luana da Silva Cadore
Gabriel Streck Bortolin
Fernando Sintra Fulaneti
Matheus Martins Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Ferreira da Silva


The objective of this paper was to evaluate the germination of wheat seeds treated with biological products based Trichoderma harzianum (Product 1 and Product 2), as well as the initial growth of the plants. Experiment one evaluated the germination of wheat seeds BRS 374, under different doses of Product 1, considering the treatments: T1 – Control treatment (absence of Product 1), and the other treatments in the following doses Product 1/kg-1 of seeds, T2 - 1,11 mL, T3- 2,22 mL; T4- 3,33 mL and T5- 4,44 mL. In experiment two, it was evaluated the promotion of germination, emergency and root length, root area, length of the aerial part and quantity of dry matter of seedling, using Product 1 and Product 2, considering the treatments: T1 – Control (absence of trichoderma), T2- 1,11 mL of Product 1, T3- 2,22 mL of Product 1, T4- 1,2 g of Product 2, T5- 1,0 g of Product 2, T6- 0,80 g of Product 2 and T7- 0,60 g of Product 2 (doses for 1000 g of seed). In the tested doses, Product 1 and Product 2 have not only increased the leaf length, but they have also provided a bigger area, length and volume of wheat roots.


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